The Benevolent Invite Bartenders to ‘Minds Matter’ Mental Health Workshops

First Minds Matter Session: 7th November 2019, Tanner & Co. 50 Bermondsey Street, SE1 3UD

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The hospitality industry’s charity, The Benevolent, recently announced a series of mental health workshops, called ‘Minds Matter’. Funded by a Tales of the Cocktail grant, the sessions will encourage bartenders to embrace self-care by way of learning about mental health, and most importantly, how to feel able to ask for help when needed. During the workshops, attendees will shown everyday techniques that will help build resilience, and what to do and how to speak to when life feels as if it is becoming too much.

The Minds Matter sessions will take place in cities around the UK, with the first happening in London on November 7th. The sessions are free of charge, however places are limited to 100, so if you would like to attend, reserve your spot now, via the Eventbrite link below:

London Minds Matter Workshop Reservations

BarLifeUK would encourage anyone with even a slightest concerns about their mental well being to book a place on the Minds Matter workshop. And if you feel the need to speak to someone now, support can be accessed 7 days a week, between 8am and 8pm via the Benevolent website, or by calling: 0800 915 4610

The Benevolent Support Page