How well do you know your bottles?
One of BarLifeUK’s extremely high-brow editorial goals for 2024 is to create more content that will keep you entertained while sitting on the toilet. With that in mind, have a crack at this little quiz – each image contains a closely cropped image of a well-known bottle of booze. Can you identify what’s what? Click the link under the images for the solutions.
Quiz 13: Bottles In Profile – changing things up for the quiz this week, can you identify these six well-known bottles of booze from their silhouettes alone?
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Quiz 12: Celebrity Spirits – some are good, some are rubbish, all are made by people who don’t really need any more money. Give yourself a point for each face you identify, and a bonus point for knowing the name of their booze.
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Quiz 11: Who doesn’t like animals? Some are cute, some are delicious, and these six can be found on bottles of booze. Can you identify the brands?
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Quiz 10: Spirit brands spend lots of money to design bottles that leap out of the backbar at you, let’s find out if that cash was well-spent. Can you identify these six fancy / unusual / pretty bottles of booze?
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Quiz 9: It’s been a while since we published one of these quizzes, but watching Olympic athletes perform incredible feats this week has inspired me to to action and my own incredible feat – dragging myself out of bed and making this. In honour of the Paris 2024 Games, can you identify these six French drams?
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Quiz 8: Yes, I have to be honest and admit I forgot to do this on St. Patrick’s day, but better late than never, right? Can you identify these six Irish drams?
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Quiz 7: A reminder that America produces more than insane politicians – Can you identify these six bourbon bottles?
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Quiz 6: Can you identify these six gins from around the world, based on a tiny portion of their bottle?
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Quiz 5: Some call it bottled sunshine, some call it water of life. Whichever name you prefer, can you identify these six drams from around the world?
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Quiz 4: Agave aficionados – Can you identify these six expressions of Mexico’s finest exports based on a tiny snippet of their labels?
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Quiz 3: Rum nerds assemble! Can you identify these six rum expressions, based on a tiny snippet of their labels?
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Quiz 2: apparently the first one of these was too easy, so I’ve tightened the crop on some of the images this time, which should pose more of a challenge…