The 2010 Alternative Bar Awards Results

The only awards worth winning since nineteen-ninety-two-thousand and-nine.

Bloke at the front just ordered 6 Old Fashioneds

As a discerning bar industry reader, you are used to the highest standards of journalism from BarLifeUK.

However on this occasion, we pray forgiveness for taking a walk on the ‘Fox News wild side’ in an effort to bring you this story from the sweaty confines of Notting Hill’s Portobello Star in time for our Monday morning BarBulletin.

The 2010 Alternative Bar Awards, conceived and hosted by Jake Burger and Tim Stones, took place about two hours and a really expensive taxi ride ago. So while these results are super-fresh, they are also subject to spelling mistakes, miss-heard names and general sloppiness courtesy of the Star’s intimate relationship with Jagermeister.

Congratulations to the winners from BarLifeUK – Next year we hope to give Tom Sandham from Dwink a run for his money in the ‘Least Influential’ category.

The Category Winners

  1. Worst Facial Hair – Tony Conigliaro (Eyebrow)
  2. Best Looky-Likey – Alex Hammer (Mark Whalberg)
  3. Best Bar Back – Musti (Quo Vadis)
  4. Most Misunderstood Industry Figure – Tom Foxwell
  5. Best Gay – Paul McFadyen and his dog
  6. Worst Toilets – The Portobello Star
  7. Gayest Shake – Jack Hubbard
  8. World’s Biggest Cocktail Geek – Jaredstatia (Jared Brown & Anastatia Miller)
  9. Fittest Rep – Sophie Decobecq
  10. Creative Accountancy – Fraser Chapman (Expenses)
  11. Biggest Assets to the Industry – Claire Smith
  12. Least Influential Industry Player – Tom Sandham
  13. Keith Richards Award for a Lifetime’s Dedication to Getting Drunk – Simon Ford
  14. Nicest Piece (hottest partner) – Hannah Sharman-Cox (Louis Xavier Smith)
  15. A – Most tolerable foreigner – Tomas Estes | B – Least tolerable foreigner – Stuart Hudson
  16. Lifetime Entertainment Award – Pete Jeary
  17. Most Missed Person – Gregor de Gruyther