Stu Bale Launches EasyMixt Liqueur

EasyMixt is the latest innovation to come from Stu Bale’s mad professor mind.

If you haven’t had the joyous experience of visiting Stu Bale’s space Crucible, it is basically the bartender version of Heston Blumenthal’s test kitchen. A room full of all the space age equipment you’ve read about, many things you’ve never heard of, bottles of strange looking liquids and a team of people who know how to use it all.

Without the opportunity to share his knowledge and passion at Crucible during lockdown Stu Bale had to find new ways to entertain himself. The result could have been literally anything in liquid form, the smart money was on a Buckfast RTD, however it is EasyMixt that has emerged (presumably he drunk all the BuckFaster).

EasyMixt is a 12.5% ABV liqueur, containing a blend of citrus distillates, acids and sugar which is natural, shelf stable, sustainable and perfectly balanced . For those at home it provides an easy way to get top notch cocktails without all the faff (simply mix equal parts EasyMixt and spirit and you are on your way to a delicious drink) however it will undoubtably become a staple in many bars across the country as well.

Speaking to Stu about EasyMixt he thinks it will benefit high volume bars especially when new staff are still learning the ropes. As for the top end of the trade? Stu has no doubt people will ‘start fucking around with it in more complex drinks’.

Stu was kind enough to send us a bottle to play with and it is, unsurprisingly, cracking stuff which you clever lot will undoubtably find uses for that we could not conceive. If you want to find out more about EasyMixt head to the website where you can also drop an email to request a sample to play with or just trust in Bale and order a bottle or twelve.