RumFest Launches London Rum Week for 2018

London Rum Week: 15th-21st October, 2018

Rum ambassador Ian Burrell
Rum ambassador Ian Burrell

In what looks suspiciously like an idea arrived at down the pub, RumFest have announced the launch of London Rum Week (LRW).

Taking place in October, RumFest’s organisers say that LRW will see ‘an abundance of events taking place, from rum launches and Tiki Thursday, to rum masterclasses’. LRW will also provide the backdrop for RumFest and the Golden Rum Barrel Awards, now in its sixth year.

Despite reading and re-reading the press release, and then checking the event’s website(s), BarLifeUK were unable to figure out how much LRW tickets will cost, or if there will be concessions for the members of the trade. However Rumfest tickets start at the somewhat eye-watering price of £44.55 per day. ‘Golden Tot’ tokens can be also be purchased, providing the opportunity to taste high value rums not covered by the entry ticket.

Information about LRW and RumFest is spread across two different websites and Eventbrite, making it difficult to stitch together a picture of what London Rum Week will actually offer visitors. Given the military-grade organisation required to make festivals like London Cocktail Week work, this slightly shambolic presentation at launch is a worry. Hopefully more details will emerge closer to the event, and RumFest will be able to deliver a decent festival. For now, the BarLifeUK reaction is Hmmm.

For more London Rum Week information, visit these websites:

Rum Experience Week