We all know bartenders love hashtags, Instagram and booze, we happen to know you are a giving bunch as well. Now is your chance to combine them all.
The folks over at Absolut Elyx have teamed up with non-profit Water For People to help provide water to some of those 1.8 billion people worldwide who don’t have access to clean drinking water.
The idea is as simple as the solution. Get yourself on that Instagram and share a picture of yourself raising a toast, tag it with #raiseitforward and @absolutelyx. In return Absolut Elyx will donate, through Water For People, 140 litres of clean water (enough to last a week) to someone in need.
Now yes, this is obviously a way for Absolut Elyx to raise their social media presence but let’s not get bogged down in cynicism. Not matter what the end game, they are doing something good in the meantime and for that we applaud them. After all, you wouldn’t think about it twice if there was a trip to New York for everyone that did it would you?
As if to prove the point, the drink you are toasting with in your Instagram picture doesn’t even have to be Absolut Elyx. It can be anything.
The promotion is running from 22nd March (World Water Day) until 22nd April (Earth Day) so there is plenty of time for you and your guests to get involved. They have already provided lasting access to safe water to over 12,500 people, let’s help them get that figure up.
So get a drink. Raise a toast. Take a pic. Instagram it with #raiseitforward and @absolutelyx. Enjoy the fact you have just made a huge difference to someone’s life. Even one of Gaz Evans’ drinks will taste good after that.