Privacy Policy Privacy Notice – 2018

Who we are?

This privacy notice covers the activities of Barlife Holdings Limited, the publishers of www, The data controller is Andrew Ives, who can be contacted via email at

What information do we collect? collects users’ names, email addresses, and telephone numbers in the following two circumstances:

  1. Email addresses are collected by users wishing to receive email communication in the form of BarBulletin news updates. These users are termed ‘subscribers’
  2. Names, email addresses and mobile telephone numbers are collected by users who enter competitions hosted on These users are termed ‘entrants’.

How do we use personal information?

Subscribers’ email addresses are used to send BarBulletin email newsletters. Subscribers sign up for this service via the ‘subscribe’ page on, or by selecting the option to receive further communication when entering a competition posted on

Entrants’ contact details are used to communicate with competition entrants during the competition’s duration. In the case of a cocktail competition, the entrants’ details may be shared with the sponsor brand for the purposed of competition heat organisation. In the case of a competition draw, the winning entrant’s details will be shared with the sponsor brand so that the prize can be dispatched. 

What legal basis do we have for processing your personal data?

The legal basis for the processing of subscriber and entrant data is that of consent – in both cases  individuals have expressly given their consent by subscribing to the email service, or entering a competition.

When do we share personal data?

Subscriber data is never shared with third parties. 

Entrant data is shared with competition sponsors, solely for communication purposes, as described in the ‘how do we use personal data’ section.

Where do we store and process personal data?

Subscriber data is initially collected via the Google Forms service, and is then held on the servers of the email marketing company Vertical Response. 

Entrant data is collected and stored via the Google Forms service. 

In both instances, data is kept for two years, or until a subscriber opts out of email communication.

How do we secure personal data?

Subscriber and Entrant data is kept on the highly secure cloud servers owned and operated by Google Inc and Vertical Response inc. No user data is stored locally. 

Your rights in relation to personal data

Barlife Holdings Limited respects users’ data rights as set out under GDPR: 

  • access to personal information 
  • correction and deletion
  • withdrawal of consent (if processing data on condition of consent)

Users may exercise these rights by contacting the data controller, who is listed earlier in this document. 

Use of automated decision-making and profiling

Barlife Holdings Limited make no use of automated decision-making or profiling.

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Linking to other websites / third party content may occasionally link to third-party websites and other resources. These links are for reference only, and should not be considered an endorsement.