The latest news coming out of Northern Ireland is targeting hospitality and education in a bid to slow the coronavirus rates.
In new measures announced by First Minister Arlene Foster to assembly members this morning she followed the advice of health officials and took action. From Friday hospitality will be closed for 4 weeks and from Monday schools will be closed for 2 weeks (which includes half term) and will then be reviewed.
The new rules from Friday look like this for the next 4 weeks:
- Hospitality sector shut apart from deliveries and takeaways
- Off licences and supermarkets not to sell alcohol after 10pm
- Fast-food and takeaway premises to close at 11pm
- Gyms remain open for individual training but no classes allowed
- No indoor sport or organised contact sport outdoors, other than at elite level
- No events involving more than 15 people (except for allowed outdoor sporting events where the relevant number for that will continue to apply)
- Close contact services such as beauticians and hairdressers to close (apart from those relating to health interventions and therapeutics) – this includes mobile services
- Places of worship to remain open but face coverings mandatory when entering and exciting
The household mixing rules will stay the same – no mixing of households in private homes (unless in social bubbles) and 6 people from no more than 2 households outside.
There is no news yet as to what financial support will be available for hospitality businesses and staff during this time but there is a meeting planned for tomorrow to hash out the details on this.
Thinking of you NI.