London Cocktail Week To Go Ahead In 2020

Not only is it going ahead, but it is taking place for the entire of October, 4 weeks of celebrating and supporting the London bar scene.

It hasn’t been often in the last few months our inbox has pinged with a good news email but this one had us grinning from ear to ear.

Siobhan & Hannah

Hannah Sharman-Cox, Siobhan Payne and the rest of their team must have been working their butts off to get this sorted for 2020 and we couldn’t be happier to share the news. With the support of Brown-Forman, Diageo, Edrington-Beam Suntory and Moët Hennessy alongside 26 individual brands we will get to enjoy the world’s biggest city-wide cocktail festival in style.

As I think we have all figured out by now 2020 is not a normal year and London Cocktail Week (LCW) are embracing this to really highlight the London bar scene and get customers back through their doors. With this in mind there will be no Cocktail Village, the hub of previous years, with all efforts instead focused on driving much needed revenue to the partnering venues.

The team will be putting together a number of fresh commitments to bolster consumer confidence, support responsible operators and reignite supply chains through the £6 Cocktail Tours, in-venue brand activations and the addition of an at-home element.

As Hannah & Siobhan put it:

“We’ve worked tirelessly for a decade to put our city firmly on the map as the cocktail capital of the world and we now occupy a unique position as the conduit between drinks brands, bars and thousands and thousands of consumers. As such, we feel it is our duty to use our platform and our voice to provide a solid, trusted foundation to support small businesses within our trade, and help get the London bar scene back where it should be.

We feel hugely grateful for the incredible backing of this mission from our sponsors and believe that London can act as a blueprint to show other major cities around the world what can be achieved when an industry shows a united front in the face of adversity.”

More details of events and plans will be released in the coming weeks and tickets will be going on sale in August and we will of course keep you updated.

A huge congratulations to the LCW team for managing to pull this off and it will undoubtably have a huge impact on the London bar scene when it is desperately needed. They also have a fancy new website you can check out or email if you have any specific enquiries.