Leeds Rum Festival Goes Digital

16 samples + some of the finest rum bods in the country = 2 hours of rum based joy.

One of the highlights in the calendar of rum loving bartenders is Leeds Rum Fest but this year the lovely folk in charge have had to make the tough call to move this year’s gathering online. As it turns out Sam Fish and Bruce Lerman have lined up a hell of an impressive list of goodies to drink and people to natter so you don’t miss out.

Bruce & Sam (this picture was taken before social distancing yadda yadda yadda)

On Saturday 19th September from 7:30pm – 9:30pm you can get your rum fix to the Zoom extravaganza for just £33. ‘What do I get for that cash money?’ we hear you yell, well as it turns out a whole lotta rum love:

25ml each of:
Takamaka Coco
Takamaka St Andre
Diplomatico Mantuano
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva
Single Vintage 2005
Trois Rivieres
Clairin Communal
Damoiseau Arrangés Pinepple & Vanilla
Damoiseau Arrangés Mango & Passion Fruit
Companero Elixir
Companero Gran Reserva
Black Tears Cuban Spiced
La Progresiva 13
plus two from Plantation Rums tbc (it’s Plantation, they’ll be delicious)

Plus a premade Fino Daiquiri made with Takamaka White.

Plus a selection of soft drinks from the folks at Schweppes/Coca-Cola.

‘Anything else?’. Well yes there bloody well is you demanding bastards. There is this bunch of lovely people to talk you through the rums and drop knowledge bombs like Trump drops lies:

Jody Monteith from Highball Brands – font of all knowledge on the tantalising Takamaka

Jon Lister – European Ambassador for the distinctive Diplomatico

Dean MacGregor – UK Rum Ambassador for Speciality Brands bringing you
a bit of Veritas, Trois Rivieres and Clairin

Danilo Grenci – Brand Ambassador for the delicious Damoiseau Rhums

Joshua Singh – Brand Owner of Companero Rums

Peter Thornton – Brand Ambassador for Black Tears Cuban Rum and La Progresiva Cuban Rum

Paul McFadyen – Brand Ambassador for Plantation Rum, a regular at Leeds Rum Festival, Paul is yet to confirm which of his delights he will be featuring mainly to add intrigue we suspect

‘Anything else?’. No. That is plenty. Actually for £33 it is probably too much. I’d book your ticket before they figure out they should be charging you more. Book here and your rum based parcel will be posted to you and details of the Zoom login will be shared.

A tip of the hat to Sam and Bruce for getting this all organised, it looks fantastic.