The Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition is a complex beast that asks more of its entrants than simply making a good drink.
Progress through regional heats and excel at the UK final, and you may well find yourself named one of ‘three most promising’ (3MP).
Each of the 3MPs are given support and a marketing budget, with the brief of bringing their Legacy drink to as many people as possible, and proving that it can stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of the Bacardi Cocktail and the Mojito.
This, of course, is where the fun begins, and we have seen some pretty inventive stuff from 3MPs so far. However, when we heard that Metinee (May) Kongsrivilai was filming a pantomime called Jack and the Booze Stock, featuring various well known UK faces in the cast, we thought “this could be funny” and you know what… It is.
Treated to a screening at Callooh Callay this Sunday, along with freely-flowing Matinee cocktails, we had a great night, and for your viewing pleasure we bring you Jack and the Booze Stock at the bottom of this page.
First things first though, good luck to everyone taking part in the Bacardi Legacy UK final this Thursday. We hope the shakes don’t strike and the best man//woman wins.
The Matinee Cocktail
- 2-4 Kaffir Lime leaves (fresh)
- 12.5ml Martini Rosso
- 12.5ml Lemon Juice
- 12.5ml Vanilla gomme
- 12.5ml Egg white
Shake well and then fine strain into a coupette, garnish with a single Kaffir Lime leaf.
Jack and the Booze Stock