Help Gaz Regan Raise Money for Charity

Just One Shift is aiming to raise $250K to help provide clean water to people in need around the world and they need your help.

I think it’s fair to say gaz is a man who likes to keep himself busy. As well as writing books, tending bar, running a website, sending out newsletters, jetting around the world passing on knowledge, judging comps, sticking his fingers in Negronis from coast to coast and presumably at some point stopping to eat and sleep, he has now vowed to raise $250K for charity.

He has teamed up with non-profit organisation Wine to Water who have clean water projects in 15 countries and have so far reached over 150,000 people with clean water.

How they plan to raise this money is beautifully simple and is also where they need your help. Between April 8th – 14th they are asking bartenders around the world to donate their tips from ‘Just One Shift’.

If you needed anymore incentive try these facts out. Every 20 seconds, a child dies from water related illness. At any given point half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by someone suffering from a water related illness.

One final fact to show what a difference you can make – $1 can provide clean water for 1 person for a whole year!

To sign up and help gaz and Wine to Water achieve their goal click right here and if you want more info on the project do your clicking here

As gaz says ‘Bartenders can change the world, ONE Shift at a time!