Ananas Offers Free Hospitality Training For May & June

The superb Ananas Academy training and management platform is going free for 2 months to help hospitality folk recover from the shitness of Covid.

It’s is always great to hear from our old friend and Ananas founder Sven Almenning (owner of loved Australian bars such as Eau de Vie, Boilermaker House and Nick & Nora’s), but even better when he’s bringing us good news. During the heart of the pandemic last year Sven offered up Ananas for free to help hospitality workers learn during lockdown. He has decided once again to open up Ananas as the UK comes out of lockdown.

If you aren’t one of the several thousand UK hospitality staff that have already tried out Ananas then you’re in for a treat. The website is full of courses covering all aspects of the industry from the basics to advanced geekery. The courses consist of both text and videos led by experts in the fields covered.

As Sven puts it ‘We genuinely believe Ananas offers the most in-depth training for bar and wait staff anywhere in the world. From fundamental hospitality skills, such as pouring beers or carrying three plates, to more advanced cocktail skills, such as fatwashing and most subjects in-between.’

As we come out of lockdown, and with Brexit being as awful as we all knew it would be, there is definitely a shortage of skilled hospitality workers, so it is the perfect time to increase your knowledge and climb the job ladder.

Individuals can sign up via the website and get free access to all of the courses straight away.

There is also help for venues or groups who want to train up the team they have rather than trying to find new staff via the Venues section which will also be offering two free months with an annual subscription, details on the website or you can email

This is a great opportunity to get access to fantastic training and we’re sure many of you will benefit. As Sven would say, KAPOW!