How are you feeling after the bar community’s most difficult year?
You are probably as bored of reading stories that start with ‘it’s been a horrendous year’ as we are of writing them, so lets skip that bit. Last year, at the height of the pandemic and deep into Lockdown V1.0, we published a survey of questions about the industry’s outlook, and turned the responses into a ‘state of the nation’ article, which you can read here.
Eighteen months later and the situation is very different. Venues are open again, but long periods of lockdown and enforced self-contemplation have changed the way some members of the community view the industry and their place within it. So we thought it would be interesting to do another survey and see how the community is feeling as 2021 draws to a close. We would love to hear from as many people as possible, so if you have something to say please take a couple of minutes to fill out the form below. All responses are welcome, they don’t necessarily have to be work-related, we would like to create a snapshot of how the humans that make up the bar community are doing right now. All responses will be published in a story later this month, and you can submit your words completely anonymously if you wish.
Thank you, and we hope to hear from you…