
Boutique Bar Show – From Bartender to Bar Owner Seminar

The London Boutique Bar Show is just around the corner, and there are places left of some great seminars:

From Bar tender to Bar Owner: Wed 21st 09.00 – 11.30

Have you dreamed of owning your own bar one day?  Be your own boss and watch the money come rolling in? All this may well happen but it pays to go in well prepared and aware of some of the potential pitfalls, problems and opportunities associated with opening a venue.

This business seminar gives aspiring bar owners the opportunity to learn from operators who’ve taken the leap and are now running successful venues. Benefit from their shared experiences and advice with this excellent and invaluable presentation.

With a leading panel of experts including Richard Wynne (Callooh Callay), Rhys Oldfield (BE@1) and Sam Surl (Rising Star Leisure) the seminar will cover the following key areas:

Book your place now

To apply for a place to email using bartender to bar owner in the subject line.