
The Latest Covid Restriction Rules Across England, Wales, Scotland & NI Amid Easing

During most of the coronavirus pandemic the UK has had different restrictions in place, with Omicron beginning to ease announcements of restriction relaxations have been made. Here is an overview:


Compared to the rest of the UK, England’s hospitality industry has been pretty unrestricted by new rules since Christmas. The one area that has been, once again, hit hardest is nightclubs, who have been forced to ask for vaccine passports or equivalent to enter venues since mid-December.

Today it was announced that Plan B restrictions will end on Thursday 27th January. On paper this means that covid passports will no longer be required to enter venues and whilst nightclubs were not specifically mentioned the CEO of the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) Michael Kill has said ‘We welcome the removal of the restrictions for the night time economy and hospitality sector’. We are assuming therefore they have been told nightclubs are free to trade as normal.


Last Friday Wales announced their plans to lift the current restrictions going for a classic four stage process. It looks very much like this:


The first raft of restrictions were lifted on 17th January which covered public events. The previous capacity limits on indoor and outdoor events were removed

The restrictions on hospitality venues which came into effect on December 27th which included the shutting of nightclubs, table service in venues serving alcohol, 1 metre distance between tables and no more than three households in any group. These restrictions will all be lifted from 24th January (great news for venues wanting to hold Burns Night events).

Face coverings can be removed in hospitality while dancing, drinking and dining however indoor venues are required to reduce crowding and collect contact details for Test and Protect. Nightclubs will have to abide by the vaccine passport scheme.

Northern Ireland

The last to update their restrictions were Northern Ireland but they didn’t hold back with timings.

From midday on Friday 21st January the following rules are no longer in force:

Then from non on Wednesday 26th January the following rules change: