
Scottish Hospitality Industry Knee-capped

Nicola Sturgeon has just announced the latest restrictions in Scotland.

As far as the hospitality industry is concerned the highlights (or lowlights as it should probably be) are thus:

She justified this up with figures based on the R number seemingly rising above 1 approx. three weeks after the hospitality sector reopened, and more than 1/5th of people contacted by test and protect had visited a hospitality venue. She stressed that this does not mean that is where they caught the virus but these areas pose a high risk for transmission.

An extra £40 million to be made available immediately to help during this time, no announcement on how this will be distributed but hospitality was highlighted as an area this is to be used for and will be released as soon as possible. Sturgeon did say that she has decided ‘to take a day or so after this announcement to allow consultation with the sector (hospitality) so we can hear from them how this money should be best allocated’.

This is obviously a huge blow for Scottish hospitality with the furlough scheme at its lowest levels of help. A huge area of Scotland (including Edinburgh & Glasgow) are now shut and for the others many, if not most, of the bars have no outside areas. For those that do the weather forecast doesn’t look great with an average temperature during the day of around 11 degrees and rain on most of those days.

Once again it seems that the hospitality industry has been singled out by the powers that be for particularly harsh punishment. The industry has done everything asked of it, has provided some of the safest environments in the country and has been rewarded by the removal of their legs.

All we can do is send our love to the hospitality scene in Scotland which have given us some of the best nights of our time running BarLifeUK. We can only hope that the financial support comes quickly and is enough.

Fuck Covid-19.