
LAB Closing Weekend Charity Shindig

LAB, one of the most impactful bars of the modern era, is closing.

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However, the space is now in the safe hands of Bobby Hiddleston and Mia Johansson, so its transformation into a great new venue is shoe-in.

But LAB isn’t dead quite yet. This Friday – Sunday, Bobby and Mia will be joined by an all-star-cast of ex-LAB bartenders for a weekend of closing shenanigans.

A number of brands have donated stock, as all proceeds will be donated to ‘The Benevolent’, a charity set up to support current and former service industry pros.

From 5pm till very late this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, £5 classic LAB cocktails and £3 beers and shots will be on offer, along with trips down memory lane, and one would imagine, the odd teary eye.