
Help Trailer Happiness Survive Catastrophic Flood Damage

Iconic London bar devastated by flash-flood days before the end of Covid-19 trading restrictions

I had a sadistic secondary school PE teacher who enjoyed torturing pupils by running them ragged round the cross-country course, then screaming ‘one more lap’ when they reached the finish line. I hated him, and I suspect the Trailer Happiness team feel the same way about the universe for playing a similar trick on them this week.

Trailer Happiness knee-deep in flood water

After an 18 month lockdown nightmare, like every other London bar, Trailer was gearing up for the transition to normal trading this coming Monday, when all remaining Covid restrictions end. Then, out of the blue and just when the team were no doubt thinking to themselves that their business had survived the crisis, a massive thunderstorm parked itself over Notting Hill, and a flash flood filled the basement bar with dirty water. It is a freak occurrence and a very cruel blow to land on the eve of restrictions ending.

The financial burden this event has placed on the Trailer team, coming at end of the worst trading year in history, threatens the survival of what is not just a great bar, but a venue that comes as close to being a historical monument as our industry possesses. There are a number of ways you can help the Trailer Happiness team weather this storm, if you are in a position to do so:

Buy a Flaming Zombie BBQ Pin
Trailer had intended to release these sexy enamel pins (pictured in the featured photo at the top of the page) to celebrate the return of sharing cocktails on July 19th. However, they have been made available now, to provide an easy way of sending some cash to help the bar’s recovery and receiving something your probably would have bought anyway in return.
Click here to view and buy a pin.

Donate Via Gofundme
The team have set up a Gofundme page which allows for donations to me made towards the cost of rebuilding the bar and covering costs while the painfully slow insurance and council licensing wheels turn. If you can spare a few quid, visit the link below.
Click here to visit the Gofundme page.

Donate a bottle, service, or yourself to a charity auction
The Trailer Happiness team will be holding a charity auction in order to raise some funds. If you are a brand, bar, or person in a position to donate something such as a nice bottle, merch, or even your time, which can be offered in the auction, please contact Sergio on Trailer team via the email link below.
Click here to email Gergo Murath

BarLifeUK’s hearts go out to the Trailer Happiness team, it’s been a horrendous year and this is a terrible way to come out of it. We sincerely hope this is the last bit of bad luck that comes your way, and we look forward to visiting one of our all-time favourite bars again once you re-open.