
Help The Drinks Trust Enhance Community Support By Completing Its Industry Survey

The Drinks Trust Industry Survey has been created by We Are Wellbeing in association with Best Bar None, NDML, NTIA, SIBA and WSTA.

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The coronavirus pandemic has been kicking the crap out of the hospitality industry (and the World in general) for almost a year now, and it seems that every day brings a new set of challenges for bar and drinks industry workers. Throughout out this period the Drinks Trust has, with the help of generous donations from brands and individuals, offered support to hospo folk that ranges from mental health assistance, to cash grants for those most in need.

The Trust will continue to provide these ‘immediate’ assistance measures, however it seems clear that the crisis will have long-term effects on the industry, and to better understand how to adapt support to meet these needs, the Trust is launching a drinks industry survey, which they describe as being created to “establish how members of the hospitality and drinks industries are feeling, what their concerns are and to better understand what their thoughts are on diversity and inclusion in our industry.”

The questions cover four areas:  you, your work life, diversity and your wellbeing and should take approximately 12 minutes to complete, and the results of the survey will help the Trust evolve its services and the support supplied by to the drinks and hospitality sectors, so it is important as many people as possible take part.

Drinks Trust CEO, Ross Carter says: “we are very keen to understand the needs of the people within our industry so we can ensure we provide the best possible support to them. We ask all businesses to share the survey so we can build a comprehensive picture”.

We encourage everyone to get involved and complete the survey, so that one of the industry’s most important support organisations can continue to provide the best possible assistance to industry folk impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Take The Survey Here