
BarLifeUK launches ‘What’ll It Be?’ Podcast For the Bar Community

Have you ever thought about your dream drinking experience? The fantasy drinking session?

Imagine you could have anything you wanted – any bar, any bartender, any cocktail, any wing-person, along with the perfect soundtrack and all-important bar snacks.

The What’ll It Be podcast will be asking members of the cocktail bar community exactly these questions as they are invited to curate their perfect night out. Just to make it even harder for them to pick this is a magical podcast, and therefore the choices can come from anywhere in the world and at any point in time.

Want to be in Sydney? Fine. Go to bar that has shut since their last visit? No problem. Perhaps they want to go back in time to a bar they’ve visited before? Absolutely.

Same goes for their bartender. They can have Harry Craddock serving them Brambles in Trailer Happiness or perhaps they want Chelsie Bailey making them original recipe Mai Tai’s at Floridita in the 1930’s? All is doable.

Their answers might have you rethinking your choices or have you shouting at their incorrect picks.

Your hosts, BarLifeUK’s Simon Webster and Jennie Rae Chuter from Cask Liquid Marketing, will be guiding their guests on the journey. Our partners in the podcast, Cask, will also be supplying something lovely for us to drink each episode.

Our first guest is The Mixing Class founder Hannah Lanfear. Will the years at Milk & Honey influence their bar choice? What will one of the most refined pallets in our industry choose as their drink?

You can find out now on the Apple Store, Spotify, Stitcher, Podcast Addict and every other podcast service we could find. Simply search for What’ll It Be or BarLifeUK wherever you listen or alternatively follow this link to see all the platforms What’ll It Be is available on.

We will be bringing regular guests to the What’ll It Be podcast so subscribe to find out when new episodes are available. There will be another BarLifeUK Podcast coming in the next couple of weeks covering the world of cocktail competitions, we will, of course, let you know when that is live.