
Spirit of Tiki Beach Pop-Up Comes To London

Once a year or so, some wag will post ‘Tiki is dead in Manchester / Leeds / insert city’, on Facebook, causing a predictable storm of outrage and photos of bad pineapple tattoos.

Tiki is of course not dead in the UK, in fact it is getting its own pop-up in London over the 14th & 15th of August in Greenwich, London.

Created by Georgi Radev (Mahiki’s bar manager), Roger Barnes (the tall chap who you always see at Trailer Happiness), and Ian Burrell (global rum ambassador and creator of the Scooby Doo theme tune), Spirit of Tiki will create a large outdoor beach, which will be dotted with fifteen different bars, all demonstrating their interpretation of Tiki.

There will of course be a ton of rum on offer, as well as Caribbean food to soak it up, music to dance poorly to, and, one would imagine, a fair amount of fire.

A £15 ticket will get you entry, a welcome drink, and a Tiki mug to take home, which is pretty decent.

You can book a ticket and find out the full gen on the Drinkup.London website.

Spirit of Tiki

Beach 338 , 338 Boord Street, Greenwich , London, SE10 0PF

Dates: 14 & 15 August 2016

Opening times:

Sunday 14th August : Midday – 5pm & 6pm – 11pm
Monday 15th August : Midday – 5pm & 6pm – 11pm