
Free Access To Mental Well-Being App Woebot

With cases of depression and anxiety unsurprisingly rising during lockdown, Woebot may be able to help.

It is no surprise that those working in hospitality are suffering with their mental well-being since the lockdown began. Most people who work in hospitality are…. well a hospitable bunch, so being locked away has the potential to be particularly hard.

Woebot is an App that was designed by psychologists from Stanford University, so you know it has some brains behind it. They did clinical trials before making it available to the public which gave great results.

At its heart is a chatbot within the App that draws from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to help people suffering from depression and anxiety. According to the folks behind it:

‘Woebot asks people how they’re feeling and what is going on in their lives in the format of brief daily conversations. Woebot also talks to you about mental health and wellness and sends you videos and other useful tools depending on your mood and needs at that moment. You can think of Woebot as a choose-your-own-adventure self-help book that is capable of storing all of your entries, and gets more specific to your needs over time.’

We checked in with Tim Etherington-Judge from Healthy Hospo who has heard good things about Woebot, which is good enough for us.

There is 3 months free access available to hospitality workers currently, simply download the Woebot App onto your phone and when you log in use the code – cfgen

Whilst this won’t work for everyone we have been using it for a few days to try it out and can certainly see it will a great help to many people. There are many other places to turn of course, including Mind who can provide immediate advice and support.