
Calendar of Industry Events and Special Days 2021

Our annual round up of dates, days and events that may or may not be of interest to you.

Now we aren’t really sure when you’ll be able to make the most of these dates, but we figure that this year, more than any, making the most of special days and dates in the calendar is going to be crucial. Now seems like the ideal time to start planning how to maximise these opportunities before the breaks finally come off the restrictions and we are back to moaning about Friday night Karens.

Now admittedly a lot of these are ‘National’ dates in the US rather than the UK, mainly because if we’d stuck with only UK acknowledged dates you’d be trying to wring extra cash out of Seed Gathering Sunday (9th Oct if you’re interested), what they don’t know don’t harm them etc. We have picked out the ‘days’ that we think you may be able to come up with a spin to put on an event, launch a special drink, have a party or just have a laugh with, all in aid of putting more cash in the tills.

When it comes to industry events and shows you will see that many have yet to announce if/when they are taking place this year (as a general rule the European/Asian shows are taking it cautiously and the US events are going for a more ‘fuck it’ approach). Where no announcement has been made we have left the dates as the last ones announced (mostly last years) so you can get an idea of the time of year it usually takes place, and noted these are old dates. We will keep updating this list when we hear news.













If you have any local bar shows, bar weeks etc happening please email and we’ll add them to the list.