
A Day In The Life Of A Bartender – According To The ChatGPT Robot

A transcript of BarLifeUK’s first interview with a non-human subject.

Unless you have been living in an internet-free cave for years, you will have heard of OpenAI and its artificially intelligent chatbot, ChatGPT which, by way of sophisticated machine learning, can answer questions about anything from cookery, to computer code, to homework assignments. The informational quality and ‘humanness’ of ChatGPT’s response to questions is such that computer, social, and information scientists worry it will soon be impossible for us to discern whether content we read has been written by a human or a machine, and that bad actors will use AI to flood social media with ever more disinformation and propaganda created by utterly convincing bots.

OpenAI has been in the news this week, due to the launch of a ChatGPT-4, a new iteration of the AI that can now respond to images and produce video based on text prompts, a development some analysts believe heralds the beginning of an ‘AI storm’ that the world might not be ready for.

Until today I have followed the coverage about ChatGPT with interest, but never used the chatbot as the website was always ‘at capacity’ when I tried to log in. However this morning I tried again and, to use a Gen X telephone term, was able to get through. Having done quite a few bartender interviews recently, I thought bartending would make an interesting subject for an AI experiment as the job requires both technical skills and a variety of human attributes. I started off by asking the bot to describe what an average bartender’s day would be like. I made sure to specify the question was about a cocktail bartender, and included Manchester as a location in the hope it would lead to some specificity in the answer. Here’s what I got:

BLUK: Can you describe a typical day for a bartender who works in a cocktail bar in Manchester?

ChatGPT: Sure! Here’s an example of what a typical day might look like for a bartender working in a cocktail bar in Manchester:

Overall, a typical day for a bartender in a cocktail bar in Manchester is likely to be fast-paced and demanding, with lots of customer interaction and a focus on creating high-quality drinks. However, it can also be rewarding and enjoyable for those who are passionate about mixology and enjoy working in a social environment.

This answer was generated in about two seconds, which is impressive. It reads like a human response and is fairly accurate but in a non-specific sort of way. I asked some follow-up questions to see if the bot could identify some of the feelings or emotions that a bartender might feel during a shift.

BLUK: What is the hardest thing about being a cocktail bartender?

ChatGPT: Being a cocktail bartender can be a challenging and rewarding job, but there are several things that can make it difficult:

Overall, being a cocktail bartender requires a combination of skills, knowledge, and personality traits. While it can be challenging, the rewards are great, including the ability to create memorable experiences for customers and the opportunity to be creative and showcase your skills.

BLUK: What is the most rewarding thing about being a cocktail bartender?

There are several rewarding aspects of being a cocktail bartender:

Overall, the most rewarding thing about being a cocktail bartender is the ability to provide a memorable experience for customers while using your creativity and skills in mixology. The social interaction, sense of accomplishment, and financial rewards can also make the job satisfying and fulfilling.

Again, it’s difficult to ague that these responses are wrong, but they do feel like the have been compiled by scouring corporate hospitality job ads. Time to see if the AI can be a little more expressive about drinks.

BLUK: What constitutes a good cocktail?

There are several factors that contribute to a good cocktail:

In summary, a good cocktail should be well-balanced, made with high-quality ingredients and proper technique, look great, and offer an innovative twist on the classic or something entirely new.

Textbook, this description could have been lifted straight out of an online raining course bashed out by a lazy brand. But I think most bartenders asked this question would also speak about feeling or mood, and the way a cocktail can fit an occasion, time of day, or even music that’s playing in the bar. Accurate but lifeless, would be my verdict. Let’s try a specifically ‘human’ question.

BLUK: What are the ideal personality traits for a cocktail bartender?

Bartending requires a combination of skills and personality traits. Here are some of the ideal personality traits for a cocktail bartender:

Overall, a great cocktail bartender should be an excellent communicator, have a positive attitude, pay attention to detail, be able to multitask, be adaptable, creative, and passionate about their job.

More generic job ad stuff. It’s not wrong, but to me, these aren’t really personality traits. They are work-specific behaviours. A person could be or have all of the things listed in this answer, and I wouldn’t know whether I would like to sit at the bar with them or not. A robot describing another robot, in other words. Speaking of robot bartenders…

BLUK: Do you think machines or robots will replace cocktail bartenders in the future?

ChatGPT: While there have been advancements in technology and automation in the food and beverage industry, it is unlikely that machines or robots will completely replace cocktail bartenders in the future. This is because bartending is not just about making drinks, but also about providing an enjoyable and memorable experience for customers.

Bartenders play an essential role in creating a welcoming and social atmosphere for customers, engaging with them, and offering recommendations and suggestions based on their preferences. Machines and robots may be able to make a drink, but they cannot replicate the human connection and personal touch that bartenders bring to the job.

Moreover, bartending involves a level of creativity and adaptability that is challenging to replicate in machines or robots. Bartenders are often asked to create custom drinks or modify recipes based on a customer’s preferences, and this requires a level of intuition and creativity that machines may not be able to replicate.

Finally, the art of mixology is constantly evolving and changing, with bartenders continually innovating and experimenting with new ingredients and techniques. Machines and robots may not be able to keep up with these changes and may not have the flexibility to adapt to new trends or customer preferences.

In summary, while machines and robots may assist bartenders in some aspects of their job, it is unlikely that they will fully replace cocktail bartenders in the future due to the essential human elements that bartenders bring to the job.

I found it interesting that the bot didn’t put this answer in bullet points. If anything, this is a better answer to the ‘personality traits’ question, and I wonder if the AI refers to different data sets (if that’s even a thing) when not asked about specific jobs or professions. This is less of a job ad and more like a human response to a question, so let’s see how it handles the most human characteristic of all – humour.

BLUK: Tell me a joke about cocktails.

ChatGPT: Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the bartender pour a bloody mary!


As a first time ChatGPT user, I was incredibly impressed by the speed and fluidity of the conversation – each response took about 2 seconds to appear. If someone had shown me this transcript and asked who I thought had written the answers, I would have guessed it was a recruitment consultant who had never worked in a bar, rather than a robot.

I would classify all of ChatGPT’s answers as accurate but lifeless and dull, but I wonder if that’s partly my fault. Did I ask the wrong questions? I expected a narrative answer to the ‘describe a day in the life question’, not a bulleted list of tasks. Maybe I should have asked the bot to tell me a story about a bartender, to see if it could compile its response from a source other than job ads. I’ll try that next time, assuming Judgement Day doesn’t arrive first.